Sunday, September 4, 2011

Do It Yourself!

Throughout the last few years I have been huge on skincare and cosmetics.  I constantly love trying new products and hearing advise from my fellow people in the beauty community.  I follow many makeup artist on youtube and have many friends who are intrigued with skincare as well.
I have used everything from clean and clear and cetephil to lancome and laura mercier.  Currently, I am using my Lancome face lotion (which is a holy grail for me), clean and clear smoothy cleanser (which I switch in and out from with my Lancome cream cleanser), and a clinic toner.  My friend use to work at lancome and introduced me to a lot of their products so if you have always been interested in trying their products and don't mind dishing out the cash, lancome is a great company for skincare.
Although I do love the products I am using, a few of them are very pricy and over the years I have picked up a few recipes to make your own skincare treatments that are AMAZING and I personally know worked for my skin.
These home remedies are cheap, fast, and easy to make... so lets get started!

Strawberry Yogurt Mask
What you will need:
5 strawberries
2 spoonfuls of plain natural yogurt
1 tsp olive oil
2 tsp honey
2 spoonfuls of oatmeal

Why is this mask amazing?
This yogurt mask is one of my personal favorites for moisturizing and renewing the skin.
This mask has brightening effects and makes your skin glow
It keeps your skin elastic to help prevent the signs of aging
It treats oily and blemish prawn skin
Strawberries are known to sooth and treat blemishes and suck up extra oil that your skin produces throughout the day 
Yogurt  is known to refine pores and nourish the skin.  It also has anti bacterial effects to help fight off blemishes and clear pores 
Oil  is extremely moisturizing.  Many people are afraid of oil when it comes to skin care but extra virgin olive oils particles are actually to big to fit into pores and clog them, therefore will not penetrate the skin and cause irritation and acne. 

What to do?
Smash your strawberries with a fork until they are in a pureed form.  Then add your yogurt and mix well.  The mixture should almost be a smoothy consistency.  Add your olive oil and honey and mix until completely combined.  You should be left with a mask that is somewhat watery and runny.  Add in your oatmeal and mix until everything is completely added together.
Apply mask with clean hands or a clean makeup brush and let sit for 10-20 minutes on clean skin then rinse

Green Tea Sugar Mask 
What you need:
1 tsp apple cider vinegar 
Do not use regular vinegar... it does not have the effective nutrients your skin needs and is way to harsh on skin
2 tsp luke warm green tea 
1 tsp honey 
5 tsp sugar 

Why is this mask amazing?
Acne/Scar reducing mask
This mask is an exfoliating mask good for those with normal to acne prawn skin.  The ingredients in this mask are good for those with oily and dry skin, which I love because my skin is constantly changing depending on the weather and the time of year. 
Apple Cider Vinegar is packed with alpha hydroxy and amino acids (getting fancy).  This simply means that it will gently dissolve dead skin cells on the surface of your face and helps break down scar tissue from acne scaring or any other kind of scar. 
Sugar  is a natural exfoliant that will not clog your pores.  It also contains glycerin which softens and brightens the skin.
Honey  is a natural acne treatment that helps the skin retain moisture and reduce redness and irritation 
Green tea is good for your body for many reasons, not only is it good to drink, it is amazing for your skin.  Green tea detoxifies the skin and has antioxidant benefits which protects the skin from free radicals. It helps break away toxins that billed up on the surface of your skin from access oil on your tzone and pollution. Green tea is also great in fighting off harmful UV rays.

What to do? 
simply mix all of the ingredient together in a container and apply to a cleansed face.  This mask can be stored for weeks in the fridge. 
Be warned... this mask does not particularly smell very good... but it is amazing for your skin. 
Do this mask once or twice every two weeks 

Homemade wax
What you need:
    For eyebrows
2 tsp brown sugar 
1 tsp honey 
1 tsp of water 
    For legs 
2 cups brown sugar 
1/4 cup lemon juice 
1/4 cup water 

What to do? 
Combined the ingredients together and (for eyes) heat in a microwavable container until the mixture appears to be bubbling and liquified.. check every 15 seconds or so.  (for legs) combined over the stove and heat until the brown sugar has melted.  Leave the mixture to cool so that it is cool enough to apply to the skin.  The mixture should thicken to a wax consistency. Use waxing strip or material you have around the house. 

The pore strips. 
What you need: 
1 tbsp milk 
1 tbsp unflavored gelatin 

What to do: 
Combined together in a microwavable container and microwave for 10 seconds.  Wait for mixture to cool a little and apply to a clean face like you would a pore strip.  Wait for it to dry (will become transparent) and simply peel off! 

pore strips can be expensive and hurt or take forever... this recipe for poor strips is simple... cheap... and very effective! 

I hope you guys try some of these and they work for you as well as they worked for me! 


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